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Carla Lewis of CJL Innovations to be Featured on Close Up Radio

NOVI, MICHIGAN, UNITED STATES, July 11, 2024 / -- Research shows, as does experience, that change is often difficult and that most attempts at change fail at a staggering rate of over 70%. With over 40 years in IT and Organizational Readiness Management, Carla Lewis, founder of CJL Innovations, knows from experience how difficult change can be. She has solutions.

Carla explains, “Change is propelled when something isn’t working, isn’t comfortable, isn’t giving you what you need. Change always comes with a reason, and it has to be compelling. So, on those days when the change we had planned to set in motion starts to feel hard, I ask clients, ‘How serious are you about it?’ In the absence of a compelling reason, in the absence of that compelling picture of what succeeding looks and feels like, what it means, anything can come along and bump you off your path.

“One of the very first things we have to understand is the big it. What is it? What is that big thing you want to change? What do you want to achieve? What do you want to have be different? Manifesting is about being able to go into the future and reflect back and say, ‘Look at what I have achieved!’ It’s important to find, for you, an anchor into the future that is strong enough to keep pulling you forward.

“Then right alongside the big it is the big why. For example, individuals might want to being saving $150 more a month. Businesses often want to increase productivity by 50%. Whatever the why, it’s compelling and you’ll know when you have arrived and why you want to be there. So every big it has a big why. Once you’ve established this big it and this big why, you may find that they shift as you go through the journey and that’s okay. You will still know where you are headed, much like when you begin a trip with GPS.

“So, now you’ve got your big it and you’ve got your big why. Now, how important are they to you? How important is success? What is more important to you that it could bump your desired change down your list of priorities? If your goal is not important enough for you to be able to shuffle other priorities, you will likely never reach your goal. If you do, you certainly won’t reach it in your time frame or budget. By answering this question, you now have your big why and how important it is. How committed are you to taking the journey to achieve the big it that has a really big why?

“The next aspect of change is that we don’t ever do anything in a vacuum, not in business, not in our personal lives. There are others around us and we have history. There are past experiences that lurk, that are out there and they can either support you, which you can call on lessons you’ve learned where you’ve succeeded at something really hard, or your past can hold you back because you tried this before and it didn’t work. What are your experiences with trying to make a change and what can you take from those experiences? What are the good lessons, even when they were hard, that can take you forward into this effort?

“Next, you consider the people in your life. What does you making this change mean to them? Your change is going to change things for them, and not by their own choice. What impact will your change have on those around you? Are you expecting them to take up some stuff that they haven’t had to take up before because of the changes you need to make? You have to sit down with them and tell them, ‘Here’s what’s going on. This is what I would like to see happen. What are your thoughts? I would love to have your help.’ With every successful change, there’s a negotiation.

“Your change will affect how people around you do what they do. Resistance comes in a lot of flavors, but there are really three key components: comfort, competence and control. My approach to change is to get everything out on the table with the people around you before you even begin to change. Only then can accountability and a support structure be in place. Others around you will understand the what and the why, even when they really don’t need to.”

Carla offers Strategic Leadership Coaching that focuses on Organizational Readiness, Managing the Root of Risk, Strategic Alliance from Within, Fortifying the Future, and Reconnaissance. Her Organizational Readiness Framework© facilitates individual and organizational success on two strategic fronts. And her Readiness Recon Roadmap© guides tactical planning for leadership team responsibilities, deliverables, and timing for inclusion in the master project plan. This is grounded in harnessing the single most powerful influence for project success: leadership accountability for organizational readiness. It is time to take the chance out of change.

Close Up Radio will feature Carla Lewis, Carla Lewis, founder of CJL Innovations in an interview with Jim Masters on Monday, July 15th at 11 am Eastern

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